

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Infographic - Grandparents Raising Grandchildren


  1. Keith,

    Your infographic presents interesting information about how grandparents are raising grandchildren. It makes sense that the rate would increase with the inclining recession. Your infographic has the right amount of information and graphics to help deliver the overall message. It looks very professional – wonderful work!

    Kristen Cotner

    1. I think a lot of people assume kids are removed from their parents because of drug problems or abuse or neglect. A lot of times, it's a financial problem, though. Parents have kids they can't support financially.

  2. Keith, I really like the layout of your infographic. I can’t believe those numbers either. It’s amazing the number of grandparents that are raising their grandkids. I would like to see the ages of the parents too, I wonder if it’s because the parents are getting younger and need the help of their own parents for the raising. Interesting topic, thanks for the coverage!! Janet

    1. Now that you mention it, I never saw that statistic in my research either. I also never saw the number of grandparents doing this, only the number of children. Hmmm....

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow! This infographic is outstanding! Plus the facts are so true. Being a former pre school and pre k teacher I realized it is pretty much the norm to have parents who are younger than me already having 4 and 5 year olds and not raise them. I had a student whose grandparents were raising him and two older siblings! These were fantastic people and I never did meet mom or dad, which was fine! Grandparents are the backbone of any child being raised by younger parents and even older parents everyone needs a little help and by the statistics it looks like its tire. Thanks for sharing!

    Melissa S

    1. Well, that is where I find myself right now in my life, raising four grandkids with minimal assistance from the parents. I was just getting ready to try that empty-nester thing and then BOOM! I did this infographic to reassure myself that I'm not alone.

  4. Your infographic was well laid out and the information was not clumped in one location. Another point I liked was too many infographics overdo it in my opinion; so much so that I would much rather read the article than too look at the bewildering array of information and distracting graphics. thanks


    1. I think you hit the nail right on the head. The biggest challenge in making an infographic is to get the balance right between readability and information. It needs to be engaging and informative without overwhelming the viewer. I also think it is important that the visual not call so much attention to itself that it overpowers the information.

  5. Keith, how did you think of this idea? Your infographic is very interesting and amazing to see all the statistics! I didn't know that many children lived with their grandparents. However, it does make sense that ever since the recession, the percentage has gone up. The graphics you chose fit really well and everything is laid out very well. I really like how you have them shadowed behind the text. The pictures don't take away from your stats. Great job! Looks wonderful!

    1. Jennifer, I got the idea from the fact that I'm raising my four grandkids and I guess I wanted to see how big a phenomenon it was.

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    1. Keith,
      I enjoyed your infographic, it was aesthetically pleasing and full of insightful facts. Your infographic is a wonderful tool to use in the classrooms, community meetings, service organizations and other educational environments. This would also be a great visual representation to use at school for Grandparent’s Day.

    2. Thanks, Christine. I hadn't thought about Grandparent's Day functions, but I suppose that would be useful.

  7. Interesting...What tool did you use to create this? I really liked the simplicity and depth this graphic showed. What caused you to choose this research? Well done.

    1. Brian, I used, a free online program. I had some problems with the website going down, but I guess that's the Web for you. It's in beta stage right now. I hope it sticks around.

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